Marc Schelske

Marc Alan Schelske has been writing for a long time, but only recently had the nerve to start calling himself a writer. He writes about life at the intersection of grace and growth. Marc is the teaching elder at Bridge City Community Church in Milwaukie, Oregon where he has served for 17 years.

Marc is the author of Discovering Your Authentic Core Values, an upcoming online course called, “How to read the Bible to Hear God and Grow without Having to be a Legalist, a Theology Professor, or a Crackpot,” and has a book in development about the intersection of faith and emotion, and is represented by the DC Jacobson Agency.

Marc grew up in Ohio, but he’s lived in the Northwest long enough to feel like a native. Marc is a husband, dad of two, speaker, writer, hobbyist theologian, recovering fundamentalist who drinks tea & rides a motorcycle. We are honored that Marc reached out to serve on our Faith & Culture Leadership team this year, in addition to leading a workshop.

Website: |Twitter: @Schelske

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