Michael Badriaki is Thursday April 19 Writers Connection speaker

Our final Writers Connection of the 2017-2018 season features Dr. Michael Badriaki on

Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m. at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church. The church is located at 5101 SE Thiessen Road in Milwauikie, Oregon.

Michael Badriaki was born in Kenya and raised in Uganda. His book When Helping Works: Alleviating Fear and Pain in Global Missions was published by Wipf and Stock in May of 2017. 

Michael earned a doctorate in Leadership and Global perspectives from George Fox University; he also holds a Master of Arts in Intercultural and Pastoral Studies from Multnomah University. He has worked for 20 years globally in holistic missions, education, global health, and consulting and leadership development. Michael is passionate about sharing Christ’s message with people; he has a passion for caring for those who are affected by war, poverty and certain hardships.

Michael and his wife Kristen co-founded the Global Leadership Community where they nurture leadership through quality education.

In the past, Michael has worked for Medical Teams International and now travels around the world sharing his experiences of working with HIV and AIDS patients in Uganda.

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