
Michael Badriaki is Thursday April 19 Writers Connection speaker

Our final Writers Connection of the 2017-2018 season features Dr. Michael Badriaki on Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m. at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church. The church is located at 5101 SE Thiessen Road in Milwauikie, Oregon. Michael Badriaki was born in Kenya and raised in Uganda. His book When Helping Works: Alleviating Fear and Pain in Global […]

Marc Schelske to speak at Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018 Writers Connection

Mark your calendar for the next Writers Connection Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 7 p.m. when Marc Schelske is set to speak! The meeting will be at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church located at 5101 SE Thiessen Road in Milwaukie Oregon.  Marc Schelske is a writer, speaker, hobbyist theologian, recovering fundamentalist, tea drinker & motorcycle rider.  Sometimes he’s a […]

Gina Ochsner is set to speak at Oct. 19, 2017 Writers Connection!

Gather with us for  Writers’ Connection Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017 at 7 p.m. at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church (5101 SE Thiessen Road, in Milwaukie, Oregon). This is our first quarterly meeting of the calendar year! We will hear from Gina Ochsner, who teaches writing and literature at Corban University and with Seattle Pacific University’s Low Residency […]

A.J. Swoboda to speak at April 20, 2017 Writers Connection

It is an honor to welcome  AJ Swoboda back to Writers Connection Thursday, April 20, 2017. The meeting will be held at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church in Milwaukie at 7 p.m. Dr.  A.J. Swoboda is a professor, author, and pastor of Theophilus in urban Portland, Oregon. He teaches theology, biblical studies, and Christian history at George […]

Joshua Ryan Butler is speaking Jan. 19

We’re thrilled to announce that Joshua Ryan Butler is our January 2017 Writers Connection! Joshua is the author of “Skeletons in God’s Closet” (2014) and most recently “The Pursuing God,” published by Thomas Nelson in 2016. He loves helping people wrestle through the tougher topics of Christian Faith. Currently he is a pastor at Imago Dei […]

Read the first three chapters of “Assimilate or Go Home” for FREE!

We’re thrilled that D.L. Mayfield is speaking this week at Writer’s Connection! If hearing from the author of “Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary on Rediscovering Faith” wasn’t enough, she’s sharing with us the first three chapters of her book! FOR FREE. That’s right. You read it correctly. We’re getting an exclusive sneak peak […]

How perfectionism distorts the Gospel | Astrid Melton

Scrolling through work emails I click on the one titled: ALL EMPLOYEES MUST READ! A pep rally type announcement opens, announcing this year’s grand mission: eliminating all errors.  “Zero mistakes in the workplace, please!” Sounds achievable in theory if we communicate diligently and dutifully carry out policy and procedures. The unspoken added phrase is there, […]

D.L. Mayfield to speak this quarter!

Writer’s Connection is excited to announce our first speaker of the new year — D. L. Mayfield! D. L. Mayfield has just released a new book, Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary on Rediscovering Faith. A regular contributor to Christianity Today and a past columnist for McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Mayfield is a […]

Why I Stay in Christian Publishing | Mick Silva

By Mick Silva The primary reasons for continuing as long as I have in Christian publishing must be selfish. They are the same reasons I do anything long-term—I like the way it makes me feel. First, let me say I never intended to stay more than two years at either Focus on the Family or […]

Life Without | Sarah Sanderson

Note: Hello, there! We’re excited to re-post this story from Sarah Sanderson’s blog. Sarah recently attended the annual FCWC Essay Presentation at Oregon State Penitentiary. It’s a prison ministry where participants pen down an essay and share it with inmates who are part of the 7th Step Foundation,  a program created for prisoners to reduce recidivism for safer communities through […]