A.J. Swoboda to speak at April 20, 2017 Writers Connection

It is an honor to welcome  AJ Swoboda back to Writers Connection Thursday, April 20, 2017. The meeting will be held at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church in Milwaukie at 7 p.m.

AJ Swoboda crop 2-2Dr.  A.J. Swoboda is a professor, author, and pastor of Theophilus in urban Portland, Oregon. He teaches theology, biblical studies, and Christian history at George Fox Evangelical and Fuller Seminaries, including a number of other universities and Bible colleges. He is also the lead mentor of a Doctor of Ministry program on the Holy Spirit and Leadership at Fuller Seminary. In addition, A.J. is the founder and director of Blessed Earth Northwest, a center that helps think creatively and strategically around creation care issues in the Pacific Northwest.

A.J. is the author of The Dusty Ones (Baker), Tongues and Trees: Toward a Pentecostal Ecological Theology (JPTSup, Deo), and Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology (Baker Academic). You can follow him on Twitter @mrajswoboda.